Saturday, June 04, 2005

Journey to Maine

Portland Head Light watercolor 7" X 11"

In the summer of 1995 made the big trip from New Mexico to Portland, Maine where I have lived ever since. In the process of my travels in that spring and summer, I visited 37 different states
. To make a long story short I visited Maine twice, once in July to visit my family vacationing along the coast and again in September, where I quickly landed a constuction job and thus became a state resident.

This painting was done several years after arriving in Maine, but it shows my attempt to come to terms with the landmarks and natural beauty of my new home. I my first efforts here in the pine tree state were with watercolors, and I even showed a few times at some street shows, but without much success.

Pocahontas Light 4" X 6" watercolor

Here is another small watercolor of a lighthouse in Casco Bay, called the Pocahontas Light. It is located only a few miles offshore and is easily visible from the Portland Head Lighthouse. This light is no longer in use.

Storm Clouds at Two Lights 11" X 15" watercolor

Yet another lighthouse painting, the location here being the Two Lights at Cape Elizabeth just south of Portland. This structure sits on a little jutty of land that sticks out into Casco Bay. I choose to paint the light from a viewpoint that showed no water, giving a slightly unreal quality to the picture. After painting lighthouses for a while, I ventured onto other subjects and places. I still return to the subject now and then, even though it is just a little out of style and not very vogue.

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